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Available Online

Cord Clearing

Clear the cords that are tangled in your relational field

30 min
66 Canadian dollars

Service Description

Unable to stop thinking of someone? Unhealthy attachments? Complicated relationships? These are all signs that an energetic cord clearing is needed. In this session, we'll untangle them. Cord Clearing is a transformative energy healing modality designed to release unhealthy energetic attachments and restore your sense of freedom and personal power. Throughout our lives, we form energetic cords with people, places, and experiences—both positive and negative. While some cords are beneficial, others can drain our energy and keep us stuck in old patterns or relationships. In this session, I will work to identify and clear these energy cords, allowing you to release past connections that are no longer serving you. This process supports emotional healing, helps you reclaim your energy, and brings in a greater sense of peace and wholeness. After the session, many clients report feeling lighter, more balanced, and ready to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 48 hours in advance.

Contact Details

New Brunswick, Canada

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